Banquet is one of restaurant "Dolphin" activity
directions. Our specialists will help You to choose the banquet
menu correctly, to find specialists on issues of celebration
design and festive-like programmes.
Furshette - Usually we prepare a big, sometimes "multi-storey"
table. Appetisers, drinks and desserts are served. As a rule,
furshettes are arranged for numerous guests, when simply it
is impossible to seat everyone at the traditional table. In
this case we pay much attention to the decorating of the table
and try to place everything in the most attractive way. Unlike
traditional feast, in this case guests help themselves.
Lunch-furshette - Appetisers are placed on special
tables, but for each guest a "sitting" place on
chairs or on arm-chairs is foreseen. Each of invited from
time to time approaches with plate to the served table, helps
himself/herself to refreshments and goes back to the "sitting"
place to taste the offered dishes comfortably.
Banquet on graduations - Restaurant "Dolphin"
will help You to organise graduation parties on the highest
level. Our managers, waiters and cooks help to do so, that
a banquet will pass without single hitch from the starting
moment and till the completion of the evening.
Wedding banquet - Organisation of a wedding, what
is more own wedding - is undoubtedly enormous pleasure, not
less than the very celebration of it. Traditionally wedding
is held in restaurants. It is better to find the proper place
beforehand, for summer weddings - even earlier. Pay attention
to the number of guests invited for a wedding. We will take
care of all troubles related to organisation of wedding banquet
and to find specialists on issues of celebration design and
festive-like programmes.
Wedding anniversary - One of the main celebrations for a family
is wedding anniversary. We will help You to feel JUST MARRIED.
Imagine, that You are having guests soon, and You need to
organise a celebration or a banquet. And You are to start
immediately. And You do not have time, Your head is busy,
organising celebrations - is not Your speciality, and You
have never been engaged in this previously.
E.g., unexpectedly it turns out to be, that long-awaited
guests - business partners arrive not in a fortnight but tonight.
Serious contracts and company future depend on the success
of Your meeting and negotiations. Can You imagine the situation
of a responsible person, who does not know where to start?
Who ask help for?
Or, e.g., nice events have a place in Your life, - wedding,
child birth, etc. - and You plan to invite relatives and friends
for a celebration, being sure, that all will be done precisely
and qualitatively, and the dishes will be served with love
just before guests arriving? Who to apply?
Restaurant "Dolphin" also specialises on the